Is Arya Vysya a caste?
Arya Vysya (or Arya Vyshya) is a subset of the Komati caste. As of 2017, there are approximately 22,952,000 Vaishyas in India. Arya Vysyas are traditionally vegetarian; ahimsa is important to Arya Vysyas.
Does Arya Vysya belong to OBC in Karnataka?
The answer is OBC. Arya Vysya caste comes under the Other Backward Caste (OBC) category. This is as per the order issued by the Karnataka Government on 13-MAY-1959. This sect is also referred to as Gavara Komati and is a part of the Komati Indian trading community with their primary base in Central and South India.
How many Gotras does Arya Vysya have?
Arya Vysya Gothram List : There are 102 gotras belongs to Arya Vysyas. They followed 102 Rishis for conducting their rituals. Surname gotras and Rishis for identification and classification for all the Arya Vysyas are one and the same. Gotras is equivalent of the Sanskrit names of Rishis.
Who are Arya surname?
The Sanskrit word Arya is a surname and a masculine (आर्य ārya) and feminine (आर्या āryā) given name, signifying “honorable”. In Iran it is a popular masculine given name and a popular surname. In Cambodia, it is usually a name given to girls.
How many types of vaishya are there?
Vaishyas divided into 7 groups: Bohra, Bania, Agrawal, Oswal. These groups usually do not intermarry. The Banias are very good to their own caste, and when a man is ruined will have a general subscription and provide funds to enable him to start afresh in a small way. Beggars are very rare in this caste.
Which caste comes under category1?
Explanation: Agasa, Chakala, Dhobi, Madivala, Mannan, Parit, Rajaka, Sakala, etc.
What is the meaning of Arya Vysya?
The Arya Vaishya or Arya Vysya is a Telugu-speaking Indian caste. Orthodox Komatis follow rituals prescribed in the Vasavi Puranam, a religious text written in the late medieval times. Vasavi is the kuladevi of the Komatis. The Komatis are divided into two sub-sects, the Gavara Komatis and the Kalinga Komatis.
What Arya means?
Arya, also spelled Aarya or Ariya (Sanskrit: आर्य/आर्या ārya/āryā; Old Persian: 𐎠𐎼𐎡𐎹 ariya) or as Aryo or Ario, is an Indian and Iranian name. The Sanskrit word Arya is a surname and a masculine (आर्य ārya) and feminine (आर्या āryā) given name, signifying “honorable”.
Is Vaishya a good caste?
Vaishyas played an important part of the society, but were still considered a part of the lower caste. They were not classified as high social class because of the two upper classes; this provoked hostile feelings towards the upper classes.
Are Vaishyas lower caste?
Vaishyas are classed third in the order of caste hierarchy. The occupation of Vaishyas consists mainly of agriculture, taking care of cattle, trade and other business pursuits.
Is Vaishya Vani OBC?
OBC status was given to Vaishya Vanis in 2008, which was later removed in 2011. At present some Vaishya Vanis fall under OBC while others are classed as general category.
Is Billava upper caste?
Billavas were traditionally suppressed by the upper caste and treated them as untouchables. It is in such a scenario that the community found a messiah in Sri Narayana Guru.
Is vaishya upper caste?
Is Billava and Poojary same?
Billava Community is the largest of the various communities in the two Districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udipi of Karnataka State in India. The Billavas who are mostly found in Dakshina Kannada and Udipi, are also known as Birve, Poojary, Baide.
What is Poojary caste?
also known as Pujar, Pujara or Pujari, traditionally belonged to the priestly class in the Brahmin community of the Maratha society. They are the original inhabitants of Rameshwar in Devgad Taluka of Sindhudurg District in Maharashtra, India.
Is Arya Vysya a Komati caste?
Arya Vysya is a trading community of the South Indian Hindu Caste System. Arya Vysyas are called Setti, Shetty, Shettulu, Komati or Komatlu cumulatively. Setty is also used as an honorific title by traders of several other castes. Hence any one with a suffix surname of Setty doesn’t mean they belong to Komati caste.
Is it legal to marry outside caste and religion in India?
And, to help them in detouring more from the above said, multiple legislation for instance ‘The Special Marriage Act, 1954’ has been enacted by the Parliament of India to provide scope for marrying outside the caste and religion.
Do Arya Vysyas follow the rituals of Vasavi Puranas?
Orthodox Vysyas follow the rituals as prescribed in Vasavi puranas as Brahmins. Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari Devi is the Goddess or Kula Devatha of Arya Vysya’s.
How common is intercaste marriage in India?
According to the 2017 Study conducted by the Indian Statistical Institute, inter-caste marriages are more frequent in Rural areas (5.2%) than Urban areas (4.9%). The Survey also found that the inter-caste marriages are more common among poor people (5.9%) than rich people (4.0%).