How much does an AKC Akita puppy cost?
Purebred Akita puppies from reputable breeders will vary between approximately $600 and $2000, depending on the breeder, bloodline, American Kennel Club (AKC) papers, and verifiable family health history.
Can you get a Japanese Akita in America?
Owned by Kevin Izard-Carroll and based in Western New York, Yakumo Sou is a kennel devoted to the development and preservation of Japan’s Akitainu breed in North America.
What breeds make the American Akita?
History. Did you know?The ancestors of the American Akita go back as far as thousands of years.
Are American Akitas good family dogs?
The American Akita is a large-sized breed with a dense medium-sized coat, as part of the Working group, the American Akitas are natural hunters and guard dogs. Their devotion and protectiveness of their families make them great family dogs, but as they are stubborn and independent, they can prove quite a challenge to train.
Does the Akita breed make a good dog?
Yes! Akita Inus are good family dogs, but, though Akita is an excellent family and watchdog, novice owners who are looking to bring a puppy Akita Inu should be aware that this dog breed is best suited for homes that do not have other pets living in that home. Akita dogs tend to be overly aggressive toward other pets.
Is an American Akita and Japanese the same breed?
Many people believe the American Akita and Japanese Akita are unofficial strains of the same breed. In fact, the American variety didn’t actually exist until after the Second World War. Before this, Akitas were a popular breed in Japan. They descended from the ancient Matagi hunting dogs.