Where is Cambridge Police Department?
Cambridge Police Department serves the City of Cambridge, on Maryland’s beautiful Eastern Shore. Located on the banks of the Choptank River, Cambridge is approximately halfway between Ocean City, Maryland, and the Annapolis / Baltimore / Washington Metropolitan areas.
What are the Cambridge Police Department annual crime reports?
The Cambridge Police Department’s Annual Crime Reports, produced by the Crime Analysis Unit, are an attempt to provide detailed information so that citizens can make informed decisions about crime and safety in their neighborhoods.
How do I file a complaint with the Cambridge Police Department?
Any citizen wishing to file a Complaint with the Cambridge Police Department can contact Captain Todd (jtodd@cambridgepd. org) or Lt. Hinson (rhinson@cambridgepd. org) in reference to the process and steps to do so.
How do I apply for a firearm permit in Cambridge?
All applications for firearms permits are processed through Cambridge Police Department’s Records Unit. Per Massachusetts law, the Cambridge Police Records Unit can only accept and process applications for License to Carry (LTC) & Firearm Identification Card (FID) submitted by City of Cambridge residents and business owners.
Where is Cambridge Maryland?
Located on the banks of the Choptank River, Cambridge is approximately halfway between Ocean City, Maryland, and the Annapolis / Baltimore / Washington Metropolitan areas. The City of Cambridge currently maintains a modern, highly trained, and diverse staff of 48 sworn officers and 4 civilians.
How much does it cost to become a Cambridge police officer?
The application process is now online! The application process is free for Cambridge and Dorchester County residents. All others will have to pay a $16 application fee. Once you have registered and applied, all communication will be managed through PoliceApp.